
Must Reads

I know I just posted, but I have some must read blogs for you, and since I am up right now due to a little one with some croupy coughs and tomorrow my mental abilities might not be so stellar, I'm seizing the...middle of the night.

Check out Jennifer's post on Strengths and Weaknesses (January 17, 2008). Profound stuff that will set folks free and reclaim stolen territory. This is streams in the desert type stuff.

Paula has been in a season of submission and increasing trust, and she is blessing us all with the honesty of it. Her post, Struggles (February 8, 2008), is exceptional.

Jennifer and Paula, thank you for being willing vessels. You are such blessings, and I praise the Lord for you!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Hi Jerri,

Not sure if you saw the comment I left you on my actions speak loudest blog, but there is one there for you.

Today when I got home Daniel's mom called me to let me know first of all how much your message meant to her for so many reasons - first of which Daniel had a grand mal seizure this morning at the same time you sent your message which reassured them that God was in control even though we don't understand.

Laura said she is going to specifically leave you a message in the comments section when she gets time today and may have already done it. I came here to tell you before checking. Please keep praying for Daniel and his family!

Thanks so much!
